In terms of how you lay out all this information, a big block of text is always challenging to read. Make Your eBay Item Description Easy to Read Your potential buyer should be clear on why this is the lawnmower for them, what exactly they will get, when it arrives, what their rights are, and have NO questions unanswered. It’s a good idea to reiterate your shipping policies, speeds, and return policy within your description (or, even better and quicker, within your template). Is there an instruction manual? Are there attachments that are included? Does it come with a guarantee? Then, make sure you include all the technical specifications a buyer might want to know (type, size, power, assembly required, etc.) Let the buyer know exactly what will be included in their order. If it’s a little more expensive than a competitor, point out what benefits it has that differentiate it and justify the extra expense (without directly mentioning the competitors!)

Ensure you highlight every possible benefit of this lawnmower over another one. If it’s a petrol mower, it may have a larger tank, so it needs filling less often. Maybe it has an extra-long cable, so they won’t need an extension lead if they have a long garden. Or perhaps it’s quieter than other lawnmowers, which will keep their neighbours happy.

Imagine you are in the market for a lawnmower. So, when writing your description, put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. The buyer wants to know whether this product will fill their need, solve their problem, or offers better value than the other products available. eBay Descriptions Should Tell the Buyer Everything They Need to Know Don’t waste all the hard work that you’ve put into sourcing an excellent product, providing clear and attractive pictures, crafting the perfect title, and putting in place good and fast shipping policies and fair return policies by then falling at the final hurdle with eBay descriptions that don’t quite hit the mark.